Dyslexia Therapy


How do we do it ?

  • We impart customized attention to every individual with Dyslexia with the sole purpose of wellness from the condition.
  • Proven improvements in individuals in all aspects …. reading, writing , spelling ,speech and self confidence.
  • Centre For Dyslexia imparts therapy based on a multisensory approach.

Get in touch with us today

Therapy Imparted

  • It is an alphabetic, phonetic approach using multisensory involvement ….. eyes (visual, ears (auditory) and muscles (kinesthetic).
  • Multisensory Instruction is the basis for successfully teaching dyslexic individuals to read, write and spell.
  • It is not a program but a philosophy and methodology which takes time and commitment to learn.
  • It is a foundation for successful diagnostic reading and spelling instruction for person with severe Dyslexia.

Please feel free to write in at rama@centrefordyslexia.com or call RAMA TANDON at +919899509948



All the English phonograms, six syllables and reading and spelling rules are taught and practiced in the four levels of the program.


Gives students a sense of power over words and not vice versa. The student develops confidence in his / her own capabilities. The student is able to overcome shyness and speak confidently.


All the English phonograms, six syllables and reading and spelling rules are taught and practiced in the four levels of the program.


Frees the ‘DIS’ from the disability and sets the child free from ‘Dyslexia’.


Most importantly, the therapist and student develop a sense of partnership.

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